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Protecting your business - Risk Management Summary

We've covered a lot of ground this month in the realm of Risk Management. Let's take a look back through this past month at all the subjects we touched upon. It's certainly a growing trend in our insurance industry and we believe it warrants this much energy and focus in the days ahead for business owners as well.

"A true, well-rounded risk management plan for any business small or large, touches upon every one of these subjects," says Joe Convertino, Jr. of CH Insurance.

Why Take the Risk?

This story focuses on what we call in our industry "D&O" or Directors & Operators liability insurance. It emphasizes the need for an organization to protect itself from fraudulent behavior on behalf of any leadership within the company that could put the company in harm's way.

Crime At Work

It's hard for some owners to fathom, but yes, some employees commit crimes against the company and owners need to protect their business. This story highlighted in particular, ways in which businesses can protect their crucial data.

Fiduciary Liability

Mismanagement of a company's employee benefit plans happens. We've certainly all heard it in the news from time to time. Fiduciary Liability, in short, protects employees and companies with group benefit plans if and when a mismanagement of the plan occurs.

EPL Liability

EPL Liability as part of your risk management portfolio means you're protected from wrongful employment practices. If someone in the organization makes a mistake that could critically impact the company, EPL protects the business.

Creating a safe workplace

The impact of creating a safe workplace for employees is an obvious one. What isn't so obvious sometimes, is the direct role and impact it has on your Worker's Compensation premiums.

Trends in the Industry

As the world of business moves more and more online, it's important to keep the pace. In this story we highlighted some of the innovative trends in the insurance industry. And in particular, the steps CH Insurance is taking to ensure we stay at the leading edge of all that's evolving and important to our clients.

The balance necessary is never to lose the persona touch and relationship that's at the heart of who we are as a company.

Data Breach

That online move we just spoke of is necessary to remain competitive in today's business world. As a result however, data breach and cyber attacks are becoming more commonplace. This article focuses on different aspects of what you can do to prevent the attacks in the first place, as well as what cyber insurance you can have in place to ensure the ongoing vitality of your business in the case of data breach.

Cargo Insurance

Finally, we wrapped up last week's story by sharing the importance of cargo insurance.

Any business owner relying on shipping as a lifeline to their business, needs to have their trusted adviser walk them carefully through the elements of cargo insurance, how much, what kind, limits, premiums, to protect the company against losses relating to shipping.

"We're in your corner" when it comes to Risk Management. We have expert leadership that specializes in Risk Management and can help you navigate the risk management waters with ease and diligence. 315-234-7500.

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