The sunshine and (mostly) nicer weather has got us out of our houses and back to work (and out on the golf course!) As New York State heads into Phase 3 of opening back up for business, while we have a ways to go, life and business look like they're on the Up Swing!
Here at CH we worked diligently every day to keep our five star customer service in place on behalf of all of our clients and partner carriers. "We adapted quickly as many businesses did and turned lemons into lemonade - controlling what we could control and keeping are eye on the bobber," says President Joe Convertino, Jr. "In fact our entire team's build incredibly productive as working virtually allowed us to all minimize our distractions and focus on what's important."
"We adapted quickly as many businesses did and turned lemons into lemonade - controlling what we could control and keeping our eye on the bobber," says President Joe Convertino, Jr. "In fact our entire team's been incredibly productive as working virtually allowed us to all minimize our distractions and focus only on what's important."
Practicing social distancing guidelines and regulations, businesses across Central NY are re-opening. "We have many restaurant owners as clients," says Vice President John Sereno. "It was important for them to feel we were in their corner this entire time as they were some of the hardest hit businesses with COVID."
The insurance industry as a whole has seen carriers offering reduced premium options for customers. There's no doubt that out of chaos has come clarity on several fronts and while there are indeed some things still unfolding, we know for sure that a lot of business has adapted to this new way of working and are able to carry on business. When people think of insurance, they think protection. That commitment hasn't wavered. We're protecting customers - and offering insights on matters that are important both for their business and their personal insurance concerns.
We continue to encourage our employees here at CH to use common sense surely, but to get out, get fresh air, go to parks, walk the dog, be a kid again, let the sun shine on your face. Our President Joe Convertino, Jr. as well as several of the CH team are big golfers. That's their time to relax, have fun competition, be in the moment, and enjoy our short but beautiful summer here in Central New York. Your mindset about your insurance, your business, about life all matters. The lens we're looking through here at CH sees that life is on the UP Swing!